Circus haters, grab the next flight to Gladstone for free wine!

April 7, 2009 at 7:38 pm

Source: The Observer. Gladstone, Australia. Circus guaranteed to be thriller. April 8, 2009

From the article:

GREG Hall is betting Gladstone people are in for an “I can’t believe it” experience as a spectator at the Great Moscow Circus.

And the show’s general manager is offering a bottle of wine to anyone who’s not satisfied.

“The show still has all the fun and laughs, but we’ve added a little bit of devilry, a little bit of thrills and spills excitement,” he said.

“It’s got an edge of having to close your eyes. In the finale we have the globe of death where four motor bike riders, inside a four-metre steel globe, are all travelling at 80 km/hr at the same time.”

Mr Hall isn’t letting on what happens.

— S.S.

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Chinese wine drinkers are an adventurous lot, and their numbers are growing Library guides for wine research

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